Organisation Committee
The 2023 national GFP colloquium is organised, under the auspices of its president Gustavo Luengo (L'Oréal), by members of the regional South-West section of GFP belonging to different laboratories of the Bordeaux campus involved in polymer science:
- LCPO: Colin Bonduelle, Sylvain Bourrasseau, Etienne Grau, Stéphane Grelier, Frédérique Ham-Pichavant, Simon Harrisson, Sébastien Lecommandoux, Audrey Llevot, Frédéric Peruch, Olivier Sandre, Thomas Vidil and Joan Vignolle
- CRPP: Jean-Paul Chapel and Virginie Ponsinet
- ISM: Chloé Grazon, Valérie Ravaine and Thierry Tassaing